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Friday 24 June 2016

Restaring new chapter of life

A fresh new start to the blog cos she has closed the old chapter of her life. And when she has no one to express her feelings to, she reverts to her blog...

Not sure whats got into mr fiance the past few days but yesterday was really heartbreaking. It just felt like he's not the same guy I used to know, like he's becoming less affectionate and is always angry about something. 

Raising his voice to his fiancee over something so petty. Telling her to be understanding but all she did was trying to ask him a question. And then blamed her when things go wrong. Am I the cause of every single shit that happens? Am I really that unlucky?

The heart aches so bad. Sometimes I wonder if his love for me is real or is it that he thinks he loves me but he don't. 

I remember how he used to be so clingy and caring but i dont know, its either he is just not in good mood or he's indeed slowly changing to be the man he said he'd never be.

Probably its true when they say, people stop doing things they used to do to get you once they have owned you. 

That pain that you feel in your chest while tears streaming out from the corner of your eyes. Yeah that feeling.. 

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